We coated this cool garage floor in the SunCadia area around Cle Elum, WA. The house is fantastic as you can see from the pictures. But, the other thing that was really great was the customer. She was just cool. She had lots of fun with our workers and made them feel right at home.
Suncadia is near Cle Elum, WA. It has several golf courses on the property. If you’re a golfer it is nirvana. The homes are built with plenty of space between them. There are trails and bike paths thru the woods. The lodge is something to behold. It was inspired by the grand lodges of Washington’s National Parks. It has a classic gabbled presence and it captures the spirit of Washington State with its architecture and presence. Near by is some fantastic fly-fishing. Now you’ve got my attention. I love to fly fish. The Cle Elum and Yakima Rivers have seen me spending many sunny days, floating down the river, fly rod in hand, stocking the elusive Cut Throat and Rainbow trout that inhabit these waters.
What does Suncadia have to do with our garage floors you ask. Well, I’ll tell you. We have coated many garage floors in this area. The place is cool and the customers are even cooler. That’s right! It seems like every customer we run into in this area is full of life and really make us feel great. The lady who owns this home is cool. She was invigorated and that spilled over the us. We think the great surroundings attract fun people and those are people we like to be around. And of course, she wanted a great garage!
Now go one step further to Garage Cabinets. Her garage turned out great with our Baja Chip Floor. But, just think what it would be like with our Garage Cabinets. They would take her great garage and turn it into something out of this world. So, now she would have an out of this world garage, a fantastic house and a cool customer. You can find our garage cabinets on our website at https://sfgaragefloors.com/cabinets/ or learn more about our coatings at https://www.sfconcretecoatings.com